Eating chocolate & carob should be healthy
We at Little Zebra love seeing people's smiles when they bite into our chocolates. This is our measure, an instant feedback that we are on the right path to create that special taste sensation.
At our factory all of us are hands on with manufacturing our variety of flavours, as most production stages are still handled by human hands. We make small chocolate batches and frequently so we can assure you that with our bars are always getting the freshest flavours at an optimum quality for consumption.
In our production we use carefully selected ingredients and of only quality sources.
We are devoted to making quality products free of common allergens. After all we give our families and friends with the same chocolate & carob that you buy.
Dear chocolate & carob lovers, we thank you for supporting Little Zebra Chocolates with your purchase and we wish you big "chocolate & carob smiles".
- Little Zebra Team -